Our Approach to ESG
Managing and addressing Environmental, Social, and Governance/Economic (ESG) matters at Canaan Hilltop.
Climate Change
Sustainable land utilization
Greenhouse gas emission control
Risk and opportunity, strategy and target 7Rs of Circularity
No deforestation and refraining from new planting on peat, both within the supply chain
Resource Management
Water management
​Other resources management
Environmental Protection
Preservation and conservation of biodiversity and wildlife management
Pollution and waste management
Chemical and pest control management
​Fire management
Community Relation
Free, Prior, Informed, Consent ("FPIC")
Social Impact Assessment ("SIA")
Health & Safety
Ensuring safety in the workplace
Employee well-being
Human Rights
Ethical recruitment and conscientious employment practices
Ensuring workers' rights, promoting fair labor practices, and maintaining favorable workplace conditions.
No child labour
Equality and inclusivity
Supply Chain Management
Fair and ethical grievance resolution
Labour standards
Governance/ Economic
Regulatory and Third-Party Compliances
Ethical conduct and Business Ethics
National Standard, laws and regulations
International Standards and Certifications, Guidelines and Framework
Low Carbon Technology
Timber reforestation
Transparency, Accountability & Responsibility
Stakeholder engagement
Whistleblowing procedure
Risk Management
Responsible Sourcing
Establishing a grievance mechanism and reporting system
Communication & Reporting
Traceability updates
Providing reports on sustainability metrics, targets, and action plans
Transparent communication regarding grievances from both our organization and our suppliers